

Save on energy costs

Would you like to save on your energy costs within a process? CCS Energie-advies (CCS) offers a range of services, focussing mainly on process improvements, heat, steam and cogeneration.

CCS can provide insight into your energy consumption and map out where energy losses take place, give practical advice on how to improve your production process and reduce energy costs. With the use of business cases it becomes clear within which time span certain measures can be recouped.

Energy saving study

The amount of energy consumed within your company is difficult to chart as not all energy is mentioned on your energy bills. Think of transport, production of semi-finished products and production of your equipment. It is also possible to save on these areas.
In addition, the European Union imposes requirements on large companies with regard to energy consumption by means of the European Energy Directive (EED).

CCS charts your energy consumption by analyzing energy bills and researching the operating hours of all devices and machines. This calculates how much energy is theoretically needed and how much you actually use. CCS then elaborates on which cost-saving measures are suitable for your situation and have a favorable recouping time span.

Residual heat study

Residual heat is often released during industrial processes. The goal is to initially use this residual heat in the company itself, however, this doesn’t work for third parties. In order to obtain proper insight into this residual heat (quantity and temperature), we use specific methodologies. CCS works with the shell approach and the pinch approach.


According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy is never lost. However, the quality of energy is lost. Therefore, the concept of exergy is introduced. Exergy indicates the maximum labor which can be obtained from an energy or material flow. By looking at a process where exergy losses occur, it becomes clear where burning and raw material losses occur. A tool to map this is the Exergy Scan developed by CCS with the support of RVO.

Cogeneration plant (CHP)

Placing a CHP has many advantages. It delivers a very high return on the added energy, it generates energy for own use and it is financially attractive since less energy tax has to be paid due to the exemption of gas consumption for cogeneration. Furthermore, a combined heat and power installation has a short recouping time span of four to five years, cuts the energy bill in half and saves users another thirty to forty percent of energy.

CCS can help you to determine the feasibility of a CHP.

Sustainable heat

In the Netherlands there is a lot of movement in the field of heat . This is partly due to the Dutch government and it’s wish to “van het gas af gaan” (“get rid of natural gas”). We are happy to help you find a sustainable innovative substitute to cover your heat demand. There are countless solutions possible, like heat pumps, sewage heat or biomass. In addition you could also use biogas, which can be produced by local farmers through fermentation.

The Green Factory

According to CCS, the largest energy gains are not at an individual company level but at cross-company level. Local authorities must work together with companies to arrive at a collective approach aimed at the long term. That is why CCS is part of the consortium of The Green Factory. This is an initiative to shape the energy transition of business parks and industrial areas. The ‘Canal zone’ in Lochem is the first pilot of this project. CCS is conducting research into the feasibility of a smart grid put together with solar parks, using the residual heat of the industry and the use of biogas produced by farmers through fermentation. To come to realization, the local initiatives will be supervised. Added benefits during this process are the lessons to be learned regarding the cooperation between government and entrepreneurs in the field of spatial planning and energy transition.

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